The Congress of The United States is granted power, by the people, to
pass legislation and send that legislation to the President of The
United States. The President of The United States may sign the
legislation, or exercise veto the veto power granted by the people.
If The President exercises veto power, the legislation will be returned to The Congress of The United States for amendment, or the necessary vote to override the veto of The President of The United States. If The Congress of The United States does not vote to override the veto of The President of The United States, the bill is considered dead.
If the President of The United States signs legislation sent to him by The Congress of The United States, the legislation will then be posted online for seventy-two (72) hours, during which time all registered voters will have the opportunity to log into a secured website and vote to approve, or reject the legislation.
If a majority of American voters who choose to cast a vote on the legislation vote to approve the legislation, the legislation is enacted into law, on a timeline stated in the legislation. If a majority of American voters who choose to cast a vote on the legislation reject the legislation, the legislation is returned to The Congress of The United States. The Congress of The United States may choose to amend the legislation for further consideration by American voters, or kill the legislation.
This Amendment forbids The Congress of The United States, or The President of The United States to take any Executive Action that is not in accordance with legislation as it is approved by a majority of American voters.
After congress gave 63% of Americans the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) the House of Representatives experienced a turnover which changed the balance of power in that legislative body; too late to avoid the damage done by those who were voted out of office. Now Americans are living with the damage done by those who were voted out of office.
The 63% of Americans who still do not want Obamacare are stuck with it, thanks to members of congress who were voted out in 2010. There is no question that the current members of The House of Representatives would not have voted for Obamacare if they were in office in 2009. The American people spoke loudly against Obamacare in 2010, after the damage was done.
If Constitutional Amendment 28 was ratified before 2009, the American people would have decided the fate of Obamacare, instead of .000004% of American voters. Congress is 535 registered American voters, but they are not held accountable for their actions before they do damage to 100% of Americans.
There is a need to have a congress. If held in check, they will provide a valuable service to the Americans who elect them. They should write the laws, pass them, send them to the President for signature, but a majority of American voters must have the final voice before the legislation is enacted into law. The majority of registered voters do know better than .000004% of registered American voters and that majority must have the final voice on legislation.
We can have that final voice with an online vote on all legislation passed by congress. This takes away congressional power when a majority of American voters disagree with them. The online vote will also take away the power of lobbyists in congress. Lobbyists can now pressure, or buy off, members of congress, but they cannot pressure, or buy off, 150,000,000 registered voters in America.
Join the movement. Leave your comments after you read the Amendment. Follow on Twitter @onlinemajority. Be part of the solution. Leaving it up to .000004% is not working for America.