This movement will work and it can be done in one of two ways. Congress can pass a Constitutional Amendment requiring a majority, online vote of the people before legislation is enacted into law. Two-thirds (2/3) of the states must ratify such an Amendment. Another way to pass a Constitutional Amendment is by putting it on state ballots, bypassing congress completely. This requires ratification by a three-fourths (3/4) of the states.
Members of congress will never voluntarily give Americans the online voting right. We the people will have to do it on our own, by passing an Amendment and ratifying it in three-fourths of the states. Members of congress are addicted to their power and many of them truly believe they know better than the people who elected them what is best for the people who elected them. Congress is only.000004% of all American voters and we the people are allowing this .000004% of Americans to destroy America.
Case in point; the House and Senate passed The Affordable Care Act despite outrage from a majority of American voters. In 2010, many of those members of congress were replaced in The House of Representatives, but they were replaced too late. The damage was done. The Affordable Care Act was already passed.
We are now facing multiple issues with The Affordable Care Act. The issues are so bad that members of congress have exempted themselves and their staff from the Act. Once again, they have put their own well being over the well being of the people who elected them to office. The final word on legislation before it is enacted must be taken away from congress and given to the people.
Congress will still have a very important job; to propose and pass laws for the voter consideration. After the law is passed by congress, and signed by The President, the American voter must have 72 hours to log into a secure site and vote for approval, or rejection of the law. If a majority vote of the people is for approval, the law is enacted. If a majority vote of the people is for rejection, the law must go back to congress for further consideration. It really is that simple and it will work every time.
Will all registered voters log into a site and vote on every law passed by congress? No, but a large majority will, especially on legislation like The Affordable Care Act. The majority vote of the people will be the final voice on legislation. That majority vote must be our check and balance on a congress that does not always do the will of the people.
Would we have The Affordable Care Act today if it had to pass a majority vote of the people? The polls at the time it was thrust upon us by congress indicate that The Affordable Care Act would not have passed a vote of the people. The 2010 elections indicate that Americans were upset at members of congress who passed The Affordable Care Act. Many of those members of congress were voted out of office, but voting them out of office was too late to save Americans from The Affordable Care Act.
Every American voter must have the opportunity to vote on all legislation before he/she has to live under the law. Such a vote will also put an end to congress passing laws, then exempting themselves from the law without our approval. It's time for this .000004% of American voters to live under the same laws all other American voters live under.
The wording of a Constitutional Amendment must be simple. Here is an example.
The Congress of The United States is granted power, by the people, to
pass legislation and send that legislation to the President of The
United States. The President of The United States may sign the
legislation, or exercise veto the veto power granted by the people.
If The President exercises veto power, the legislation will be returned to The Congress of The United States for amendment, or the necessary vote to override the veto of The President of The United States. If The Congress of The United States does not vote to override the veto of The President of The United States, the bill is considered dead.
If the President of The United States signs legislation sent to him by The Congress of The United States, the legislation will then be posted online for seventy-two (72) hours, during which time all registered voters will have the opportunity to log into a secured website and vote to approve, or reject the legislation.
If a majority of American voters who choose to cast a vote on the legislation vote to approve the legislation, the legislation is enacted into law, on a timeline stated in the legislation. If a majority of American voters who choose to cast a vote on the legislation reject the legislation, the legislation is returned to The Congress of The United States. The Congress of The United States may choose to amend the legislation for further consideration by American voters, or kill the legislation.
This Amendment forbids The Congress of The United States, or The President of The United States to take any Executive Action that is not in accordance with legislation as it is approved by a majority of American voters.
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